Anton Walbrook died 49 years ago today

AW in 1960
 It is 49 years now since the death of Anton Walbrook, which took place at Garatshausen on this day in 1967. I have written more about his death here and here, but this year I am sharing an image of his will, which was written just four weeks earlier,  on the 10th July 1967:
It was my intention that my biography – which explains more about his relationship with Eugene Edwards – would be published next August to mark the 50th anniversary of Anton’s death, but this is looking increasingly unlikely now. Hopefully the delay won’t be too long. In the meantime, may he rest in peace.
Posted in Anton Walbrook.


  1. Dear James,
    I hope the publication won’t be delayed for a long time. Looking forward to reading your biography.

  2. Very much looking forward to reading your life of Walbrook – and thanks for some really interesting posts here.

  3. I would be very interested in reading your book when it comes out. I look forward to more updates and hope it won’t be delayed for too long.

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